PhD Open House

Month: September

Event Type: In Person (Held during the Fall Conference)

Open To: Cal-Bridge Fall Conference attendees, invited UC departments

Main Topics: Networking and recruitment event, with over 30 University of California Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science/Engineering and Math/Statistics Programs.

Cal-Bridge’s biggest opportunity for UC PhD recruiting departments: PhD programs in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy have the unique opportunity to interact with over 125 diverse Cal-Bridge scholars at the PhD Open House typically held in September at the Fall Conference. Cal-Bridge scholars complete professional development workshops and bring a stipend with them to graduate school.

Cal-Bridge scholars benefit from the opportunity to network with faculty from multiple UC campuses and departments. Scholars are encouraged to ask questions specific to the departments research, labs and admission requirements to better prepare for their graduate school applications.

Why Recruit Cal-Bridge Scholars: The Cal-Bridge undergraduate program has been exceptionally successful in assisting diverse undergraduates from the CSU matriculate to STEM PhD programs. These scholars come from very diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to:

  • 57% men; 38% women; 3% nonbinary
  • 76% students of color
  • 56% URM (underrepresented minority)
  • 19% URM women
  • 60% first generation
  • 23% LGBTQ+
  • 31% Disabled
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